Tam QR Capsules
Product Code: FP5
Taking Care of Diabetes and Diabetic complications
For improving general health of diabetic patients.
TAM-QR also rejuvenates a diabetic patient by reducing his tiredness and lethargy. Weight loss in high diabetics can be recovered fast.
Side effects from long term diabetic medications can be cleared off from the liver and kidneys.
1 Bottle: 100 capsules.
Dosage: 2-2-2 (2 capsules x 3 times daily)
Treatment: 6 Bottles for 100 days
Diabetic complications like Neuropathy(numbness), Leg pain, Frozen shoulders, Drowsiness, Tiredness, reducing eye-sight and failing kidney can be corrected with TAM-QR capsules.
Person with pre-diabetic symptoms and those who are under medication can also take this medicine for the improvement of their general health.
Repeat treatment once every year for continued benefit.