Ayurvedic Medicine for Viral Fever

In ayurveda, there are various remedies or principles to follow to get relief effectively from viral fever. For the treatment of viral fever, Ayurveda defines a number of upachara or treatments, including Langhana (fasting), Deepana (increasing appetite), Pachana (digestive), and Mrudu swedana (sweating). During the first few days of a fever, it is advisable to fast or eat light meals. However, this should not be done if the fever is of a vata kind. During a fast, the stomach draws heat from the outside to the inside, so enhancing the digestive fire. With the exception of Pitta fever, it is advised to drink warm water to keep the stomach's internal temperature balanced. Sago, barley, and vegetable soup can all be consumed as liquids. Anything with an astringent flavour ought to be avoided at all costs. High fevers that last for longer than three days may be the result of a viral infection, Chikungunya, Dengue fever, or Malaria.

Viral Fever: Causes and Symptoms

Infections and viral fevers are getting more and more prevalent today. Viral fever may be brought on by a simple climatic shift and temperature increase. The majority of these infections are brought on by airborne infections we contract from an infected individual. Cold, cough, flu, mild fever, sore throat, runny nose, body aches, and other symptoms can be signs of viral infections.

There are numerous methods to catch a viral fever, by breathing in contaminated droplets expelled during a sick person's coughing or sneezing. by ingesting tainted meals or beverages. Viruses can be carried by some carriers, including insects and animals.

All people, according to Ayurveda, have the three doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha—in their bodies. Illnesses can result from any imbalance in the body's three doshas. The Ayurvedic name for fever is Jwara. The Vata and Kapha Doshas are primarily to blame for this. While an excess of Vata frequently dampens the digestive fire and results in chills, weariness, sluggish digestion, and body pains, an imbalance in Kapha can produce cold-like symptoms. Every disease begins with Ama (digestive toxin), which causes a Dhatus imbalance (Bodily Tissues). As a result, our body's innate immunity (Ojas) is weakened, making us more vulnerable to allergies and infections. For viral infections, Ayurvedic treatment is very effective.

Ayurveda for Viral Infection

Many ayurvedic herbs can be used as boosters for your immunity, and antipyretics in managing viral fever. Using medications from ayurveda for viral infections is very effective. CFS - QR  tablet/syrup is the best ayurvedic medicine for viral fever. CFS - QR has the ability to keep away the virus from our body and thereby boost immunity and strength.

Dosage : 

  • CFS QR syrup 15ml, 4 times a day
  • CFS QR Tablet 2 tab, 4 times a day